So after claiming that I would be posting way more often (ahem, 5 weeks ago), my internet decided to take a coma disguised as a nap. And just tonight after some magical setting configuration it is fixed (shrug). So anyway, I figured I would catch the world (that is, anybody reading this) up on life since then.
I am a massage therapist now! Well, I'm still in school but I can give a full body one hour Swedish massage that has already put many people to sleep. I have my own professional grade table that I have yet to practice on. This is not for want of test subjects; they have been lining up quite patiently. No, it's more to do with the fact that when I am not in school, I am at work. And when I'm not doing either of those, I'm usually sleeping. Or when I'm not doing that, I'm decompressing with a maximum of a few hours with friends MAYBE once a week. But I shouldn't complain. I love my instructors and classmates, I'm actually doing really well both academically and skills-wise. I actually LIKE my job, which is new for me. Yes the hours are long (which is the only reason I'm able to go to school, really) and it can be a little stressful on the feet and back (I'm moving the entire time) but the people I work with are actually intelligent and nice.
So life is good. It feels good to be able to say that after the year in the deep dark hole in the ground (as those who don't know me start to picture an actual hole in the ground with me waiting patiently inside). No, not a literal hole, but figuratively. Applying to job after job that I didn't really want. Trying to get by in a position that I was fighting deep down, until finally the light came on and the fight was over. So I really shouldn't have anything to complain about. And now that I have the internet back I can waste the hours that I would be spending NOT watching the god awful stuff they're selling as television these days surfing the world wide intertubular nets or whatever the proper geek term for them is this week.
And now, your moment of zen...