Part of the problem about having a blog is finding the time to sit down and write something comprehensible on a regular basis. A bigger part of the problem is finding something meaningful to say that often. I mean it's one thing to start jabbering away about what I did today but it wouldn't be all that interesting would it? You can only read the sentence "I went to school today and I'm tired, well off to work!" so many times before you give up on a person and go play online tetris or something. So a lack of interesting topics and and even bigger lack of free time has kept me away (yet again) from writing a consistent and timely blog. Soon, however, school will be over, Christmas will be here, and a new chapter of my life will begin. That of job hunting, budgeting, planning, and making sure I don't let my parents drive me nuts. Focusing on my new career, a new promising path stretching out before me, and my health, which has taken quite a backseat to tests and massage techniques as of late.
I'm very close to being intimidated by school being over. If it wasn't for the fact that most of my teachers make me want to bang my head against a brick wall repeatedly just for some sort of relief I might be sad to leave. Well I am in a small way. I've made some good friends there, and hopefully we'll be able to stay in touch. Besides that though, I'm hopeful, and while I'm a little nervous, I'm a lot more confident in my path than I was this time last year. Wow, what a difference a year makes. This time last year I was commuting every day to NYC to make coffee for self-important editors making commercials for makeup and 3D crayons...for no pay. Nope, no regrets at all about making this change, I have a bright horizon ahead of me for the first time in years, and I'm going to ride out this wave of opportunity that has come my way. And if I wipe out, there's plenty more waves coming my way. All roads lead to Orlando, even the really long ones. Here's hoping. Happy Thanksgiving!
Book I'm Reading: American on Purpose by Craig Ferguson
Random Thought: Japanese ginger dressing gives you bad breath for hours, plan accordingly.