Thursday, July 22, 2010

Text me Goodnight

There are some times when maybe it should be all about me.

I know I'm old fashioned compared to the rest of my generation.  Everyone is a high tech, high speed, multitasking machine.  It's not like I'm in the Stone Age.  I know how computers work (mostly) and I can fix more than basic problems on them.  But I don't have the newest model and I don't shell out big bucks for the latest versions of programs I use.  I have a cell phone and it takes pictures and I can text.  But again, I don't have the latest phone and shell out my paycheck for internet service and apps that are cool once and then I'm over them.

My point?  Those things are cool and if you like them that's great.  But I think too much technology (Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto) really is a problem.  Case in point:  When I'm out with a friend-and this has happened with a couple of different good friends of mine-we'll be walking down the street talking and enjoying the sights or sitting at a table in a restaurant waiting to be served.  They pull out their cell phones and start texting with other people or even answer their phones and start talking to someone else. 

This is RUDE
Don't do it. 

At least when you're with me.  How big of an idiot do I feel like when I'm sitting in complete silence while you're having a conversation with someone who's not even there.  Why did you even come out with me?  Should I have saved you the time and just texted to you how the food was or what I did by myself? 

I refuse to pull out my cell phone and ignore them back while I'm out with them.  The amount of time that I get to spend with my friends lately is very small so I look forward to seeing the people I care about.  My cell phone is for emergencies and convenience.  Your cell phone should not be the main focus of your attention, especially when you're on a social outing with someone in the flesh.  I get scared sometimes that this society really is going to be like the predicted future in Wall-E.  Everyone will be an obese baby staring at screens from morning to night.  I'd rather be the quirky robot given my choices. 

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not against using your cell phone EVER while you're out with others.  One text here, a minute or two call with someone there.  But only if it's important and in moderation.  It seems like the rules of common decency are changing.  And I don't like it.  The times that I spend with my friends are special to me. Rare and appreciated.  To be ignored in favor of a little machine that gives a false connection to someone else while I'm having that time hurts a little, I'm not going to lie.  I know no offence is meant, but I guess I just haven't caught up with the rest of my generation yet.  I still think it's normal to have conversations face to face.  What do I know? I'm old fashioned.


  1. Hi Jillian, I like your blog! I'm with you about the texting thing. I make a few exceptions - like for friends whose kids are elsewhere when they're hanging out with me. People often react oddly if I ignore my cell phone whne it rings at me but I think it's better to give priority to the person you're actually with. However I actually prefer texting to talking on cellphones because I can never hear ANYTHING. Everybody sounds like robot chickens to me. It's so annoying!

  2. Thanks Joanna, I'm trying to get this thing moving again.

    Yea, texting can be a lot easier than calling someone when you just have one question or have a quick thing to say. One thing I find annoying sometimes though is when people have 20 minute texting sessions back and forth when a 2 minute phone conversation would have been so much easier!

    Thanks for reading, tell your friends!
